Over 500 florists, including George’s Flowers in Roanoke, participate in Petal It Forward — a nationwide initiative to boost people’s moods and brighten their day through fresh floral bouquets. With MKB Realtors, TFS Roanoke Inc Wholesale Floral Supplies, and 40 volunteers, George’s Flowers is spending the day handing out fresh blooms throughout the Roanoke community.
During Petal It Forward, each recipient is given two bouquets and is instructed to give their second bouquet to a stranger. If you’re among the recipients wondering what the catch is to receiving two free bouquets, all that’s asked is to “petal it forward.”

George Clements, owner of George’s Flowers, shared with WDBJ7, “It’s to give you the feeling of what it is like to receive flowers, plus the great feeling of how it is to give a gift.”
Research shows that fresh flowers help to reduce stress and anxiety, making our days happier and brighter. Doug Lindamood, co-owner of George’s Flowers, told WFXR News, “It’s just amazing what flowers do. It’s not an accident that we use flowers at all the most important events in our life.”

George’s Flowers plans to exceed the record of giving out 5,000 floral bouquets during Petal It Forward by passing out over 7,000 bouquets this year.
To learn more about Petal It Forward, click the links below.

WDBJ7 – “Flowers feed the soul.” Florist gives back to community during Petal It Forward

10 News- ‘Petal it Forward’ brings smiles to the Roanoke Valley

WXFR FOX – George’s Flowers “Petal it Forward” event to brighten days with free bouquets