Soon we will gather around the table with friends and family or give our lovely host and hostess fresh flowers to celebrate the holiday season. With this in mind, George Clements of George’s Flowers was recently invited to speak on WSLS 10 Daytime Blue Ridge and share his insight and expertise for creating floral arrangements for your holiday table and tips for keeping your blooms happy and healthy during the days and weeks that follow.
Colorful Fall Blooms from George’s Flowers
George’s demonstration included making a tic-tac-toe grid on the top of your vase using floral tape. This ensures that the greenery and stems you arrange can stay secure and properly in place. Be sure to thoroughly wash your vase before taping, then fill it with fresh water and appropriate floral food to nourish the blooms. George also reminds up to keep all foliage above the waterline, as leaves can spoil the water prematurely and promote the growth of bacteria.
Finally, to keep your flowers thriving and looking fresh, frequently renew the water in your vase, especially if it appears cloudy. When finding the best home for your floral arrangements and bouquets, try a cool room in your home. Avoid displaying your flowers in direct sunlight and place them away from appliances that often produce heat. Many people enjoy their holiday blooms, bouquets, and arrangements for quite a long time when properly cared for.
George Clements on WSLS 10 Daytime Blue Ridge
George Clements on WSLS 10 Daytime Blue Ridge
George Clements on WSLS 10 Daytime Blue Ridge
Click here to watch the full segment.